
TechFinitive’s Innovation section covers the latest news and leading insight on technology’s big developments. It’s a huge brief, with topics that cover everything from artificial intelligence to the release of a new networking standard.

We attack on three fronts. First, breaking news, with the emphasis on breaking. How will today’s headline break the status quo? How will it affect businesses, whether that’s the way the IT team functions or giving knowledge workers a new weapon in their armoury.

But we don’t just want to tell readers that the latest version of ChatGPT has dropped: we want to provide useful advice on how businesses can take advantage of it.

There’s a reason we call ourselves TechFinitive rather than TechWhatever: our mission is to provide a backbone of definitive resources that explain what all the terms mean. We’ve already provided a bunch of explainers on 5G, AI, machine learning and Wi-Fi 7 to name but a few. And we will continue to add more.

Our final weapon is to go deep with provocative features from our expert writers. TechFinitive is privileged to have a wide mix of contributors, from analysts to award-winning journalists, from IT professionals to startup founders. Where a subject falls within their expertise, we explore the deeper impact of a technology – whether it’s the Pandora’s Box of ethics it opens or the new world of opportunity it creates for businesses.

Is there something you would like us to cover? Breaking news you haven’t seen elsewhere? Or do you simply want to rant? Then email us at [email protected], follow us on Twitter and join us on LinkedIn.

wi-fi 7


What is Wi-Fi 7?

What can we expect from Wi-Fi 7? Explosive speeds for one, but perhaps more important will be a stable signal and extremely low latency.
Fortiner Cyber Security Predictions 2023


Cyber Threat Predictions for 2023

An Annual Perspective by FortiGuard Labs While “less is more” is the critical strategy behind consolidating networks and security, “more is more” seems to be…

VMWare Front Page


CIO Essential Guidance

The CISO security threat landscape. The cybersecurity professionals who contributed to the fourth edition of our Global Security Insights Report are in a very different…

IBM BI for Telcos White Paper


IBM Business Analytics for telcos

Leverage business intelligence, performance management and predictive analytics to increase revenue and improve operations IBM® Business Analytics solutions make telecommunications service providers better equipped to…

what is ai artificial intelligence


What is AI?

Artificial intelligence will be one of the foundations of technology innovation in businesses for decades. We explain what AI actually is.
What is 6G


What is 6G?

There are still many unknowns, including a release date, but we already know a lot about 6G - the 5G successor that could power the metaverse
What is 5G?


What is 5G?

Whether it's phones or tablets, 5G is coming of age. So what is 5G and what difference does it make to businesses?