Juliana Borges de Campos, Vice President of Operations at EBANX: “B2B transactions are stuck in the slow lane”

While Juliana Borges de Campos, Vice President of Operations at EBANX, may think B2B transactions are stuck in the slow lane, everything else in this interview screams speed. Cutting edge.

And where others talk about AI in theory, Julianna and her team at EBANX – creator of a payment technology that’s relied upon across Latin America, Africa and South Asia – are putting it to real-world use in fraud protection. “Imagine having an army of super-analysts constantly sifting through mountains of data, identifying complex patterns and anomalies that might indicate fraudulent activity,” she told us. “That’s essentially what our AI-powered systems do.”

You’ll also spot a bubbling enthusiasm in Juliana’s answers. So much so that you may find yourself updating your CV after reading it.

“Once you’ve experienced a fintech, it’s hard to imagine going back to your previous market,” she said. “The dynamism, speed and unique opportunity to learn and teach are incredible! Working in a fintech has tested me in every way imaginable.”

Could you please introduce yourself to our audience and share how you ended up working in fintech?

My name is Juliana Campos, and I’ve been in the payments industry for nearly 20 years. I began my career at a major Brazilian acquirer, where I spent 11 years and fell in love with this industry. I vividly recall the start of this journey, as an intern at the company. I was deeply curious about how everything worked, and I felt alive in this market. I navigated through different areas, including operations, risk, compliance, fraud prevention, products and partnerships with card schemes. It was a true learning experience.

Later, I was invited to establish the operations structure at a Brazilian card scheme, where I spent six intense years. Being part of a company during its creation phase was a unique opportunity. At this card scheme, I had the chance to develop operational rules alongside the teams and create mechanisms that continue to shape the market today, particularly in terms of authorisations (approval and conversion rates), chargebacks and settlement flows.

Then came EBANX, offering a unique opportunity to explore the payments industry on a broader scale. The chance to expand beyond cards and Brazil, which had been my focus until then, propelled me into this fintech. And my decision proved to be right; working in a fintech environment has brought me fulfilment as a payments professional.

In what ways is artificial intelligence impacting the fintech sector?

AI has become a transformative force in the fintech sector, particularly when it comes to anti-fraud and risk management in payments. At EBANX, we’re at the forefront of this revolution, leveraging AI technologies to fortify our payment solutions and provide exceptional security for our merchants and their customers in the high-growth markets of Latin America, Africa and Asia.

One of the most significant ways AI impacts fraud prevention is through enhanced detection. Imagine having an army of super-analysts constantly sifting through mountains of data, identifying complex patterns and anomalies that might indicate fraudulent activity. That’s essentially what our AI-powered systems do. They analyse vast amounts of transaction data in real-time, encompassing everything from location and purchase history to device used. This allows us to catch suspicious transactions much faster and more effectively than traditional methods.

However, fraudsters are constantly developing new tactics to bypass security measures. That’s where the true beauty of AI comes in. Our machine learning models are constantly learning and adapting, able to identify emerging threats and ensure our security measures remain robust. This is crucial in the dynamic landscapes of rising markets, where fraudsters might exploit unfamiliar consumer behaviours or payment methods. For instance, EBANX’s AI tailors risk assessments by considering factors specific to each region, such as local payment preferences or the prevalence of certain types of fraud in that market.

Furthermore, AI empowers us to create a truly frictionless payment experience for legitimate transactions. By ditching the one-size-fits-all approach, we can create personalised risk profiles for each transaction. This allows us to streamline approvals for trustworthy customers while efficiently blocking fraudulent attempts. EBANX’s software performance shows an average increase of 4.2 percentage points in approval rates and an average reduction of -0.67 percentage points in chargeback rates across merchant sales performance. For example, EBANX’s AI can analyse a customer’s purchase history and identify a legitimate high-value transaction from a potential case of stolen credit card use. This not only protects merchants from financial losses but also ensures a smooth and positive experience for honest customers.

EBANX also includes smart routing, a feature powered by AI that optimizes transaction processing. Smart routing analyzes various factors like card network performance and regional trends to identify the best pathway for each transaction. This not only increases approval rates but also reduces processing times, creating a seamless experience for both merchants and customers.

In conclusion, AI is a powerful tool that EBANX leverages to ensure secure and efficient payment processing in the high-growth markets we serve. From enhanced fraud detection and tailored risk assessments to smart routing and optimized processing times, AI is a key driver in making EBANX a leader in global fintech solutions.

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Which geographical hubs around the world are leading the charge when it comes to fintech innovation?

Innovation always comes from unsatisfied demands. The same goes for the payments industry in rising markets, where innovation results in inclusive, low-cost, high-performing solutions, often led by regulators.

Examples are the emergence of instant payment systems, like UPI, the paramount payment method in India, and Brazil’s Pix. Both have become agents of financial inclusion in these countries. A similar role has been played by mobile money in Africa: a payment method developed by telecoms to enable payments via mobile phones with no need for an internet connection, bank account or card.

At EBANX, we’re particularly interested in those hubs in emerging regions that mirror our focus: rising markets and high-growth regions. Let me tell you about a few that are leading the charge.

First up is Latin America. This region is a hotbed for fintech, with Brazil playing a starring role. Countries like Colombia, Mexico, and Argentina are also seeing a surge in innovation. The driving force here is financial inclusion – making financial services accessible to everyone. Mobile payments and alternative payment methods, such as Pix in Brazil, are at the forefront of this movement. This closely aligns with EBANX’s mission of connecting global businesses with these rising markets, so we’re right at home here.

Africa is another continent brimming with fintech potential. Mobile money has been a game-changer, driving financial inclusion across the continent. We’re seeing a wave of innovative solutions catering to Africa’s specific needs. Countries like Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa are leading the way. EBANX is proud to be a part of Africa’s fintech story, offering solutions that fit seamlessly into the unique payment landscape there.

Finally, let’s not forget Asia. China is a major player in fintech innovation here, but other countries like India and those in Southeast Asia are making serious waves too. EBANX entered the Indian market by integrating UPI [Unified Payments Interface] and cards, recognising the vast potential there and the critical need for secure and efficient payment processing solutions.

The key takeaway is that fintech innovation is a global phenomenon. These are just a few of the leading hubs, and EBANX is constantly looking to expand our reach and depth to support the fintech ecosystem in these high-growth regions. We’re excited to see what the future holds!

How does your company differ from its direct competitors in the fintech space?

At EBANX, we aren’t about being just another face in the fintech crowd. Our fire is fueled by a unique mission: unlocking the potential of rising markets for global businesses. We do this in a way that sets us apart.

Here’s the secret sauce: deep regional expertise. We’ve got a laser focus on rising markets in Latin America, Africa and Asia and we are currently operating in 29 countries in these regions. This lets us truly understand the ins and outs of each region’s payment landscape, consumer behaviour and regulations. This deep knowledge is the foundation for building solutions that resonate with both global businesses and local consumers.

We also champion seamless omnichannel payments. We offer a comprehensive suite of more than 100 payment methods that cater to the diverse needs of businesses and consumers in these regions. Think of everything from traditional cards to the latest alternative payment methods like digital wallets, local bank transfers, and mobile payments. By providing this flexibility, we ensure a smooth and frictionless experience for everyone involved.

Another key ingredient? The technology. We’re constantly pushing the boundaries and using the latest advancements like AI and machine learning to make our solutions even better. This translates to features like real-time fraud detection, smart routing for faster processing, AI-powered risk management and “Business Monitoring”, an AI-driven solution designed to enhance operational oversight. Through advanced real-time monitoring capabilities, this platform enables us to swiftly detect irregularities in transaction volumes and identify potential anomalies across our operational landscape.

By leveraging AI technology, we can provide our clients with greater visibility into their operations, helping them identify areas of concern such as potential fraud risks and deviations in transaction patterns. This proactive approach to monitoring allows us to offer personalized insights tailored to each client’s specific needs.

Our commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance operational efficiency underscores our dedication to supporting our clients in navigating the complexities of the digital payments ecosystem.

These features keep every transaction secure and efficient. EBANX software’s performance demonstrates an average boost of up to 5 percentage points in approval rates across certain verticals, coupled with a reduction in chargeback rates by 0.67 percentage points.

Finally, we believe in the power of partnerships. Building strong relationships with businesses, financial institutions and regulatory bodies in the regions we serve is a core value. This collaborative approach keeps us ahead of the curve and allows us to provide the best possible solutions for everyone involved.

By combining these strengths, EBANX becomes more than just a payment processor. We become a trusted partner for global businesses, helping them navigate the complexities of high-growth markets and achieve their growth goals with confidence.

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What are your top three fintech predictions for the upcoming years?

B2B payments get a makeover: While consumer payments have embraced the digital age, B2B transactions are stuck in the slow lane. But change is on the horizon. The rise of B2B marketplaces and the digital wave sweeping across rising markets will lead to a major disruption in B2B payments. Businesses will demand seamless solutions that offer a wider range of local payment options for smooth cross-border transactions and improved approval rates. Paper invoices will become relics of the past, replaced by efficient electronic invoicing systems that ensure faster settlements. Finally, competitive fees and clear pricing structures will be crucial for businesses looking to optimise their B2B payment processes.

Cards and alternative payments – a united front: Credit cards may face competition from instant payments and digital wallets, but they’re not going anywhere. The future lies in collaboration, not competition. We’ll see credit card companies diversify their offerings to attract new consumers. Numerous credit card companies are now integrating with alternative payments, fostering a reciprocal learning process between different systems. This will create a more unified and user-friendly payment experience for everyone. However, ensuring smooth transaction confirmations will be paramount, especially in rising markets with higher risk profiles. Payment providers will need to invest in anti-fraud solutions and build strong partnerships across industries to achieve this.

Instant payments power the subscription boom: The phenomenal success stories of instant payment systems like Pix in Brazil and UPI in India showcase the immense potential for wider adoption in rising markets. This will have a significant impact on the subscription landscape. Alternative payment providers will expand their capabilities to handle recurring payments, opening up the subscription market to a whole new audience who may not have access to traditional credit cards. This will be particularly impactful in regions where credit card penetration remains low. Overall, instant payments will continue to be a driving force for financial inclusion, allowing more people to participate in the digital economy by facilitating online purchases and subscriptions with ease.

What advice do you have for aspiring professionals wanting to work in fintech?

For professionals looking to work in a fintech, I would say it’s a one-way journey. Once you’ve experienced a fintech, it’s hard to imagine going back to your previous market. The dynamism, speed and unique opportunity to learn and teach are incredible! Working in a fintech has tested me in every way imaginable.

Imagine making a career move after over 15 years in the payments industry… At that point, I thought I knew absolutely everything about the industry, but working in a fintech made me realise that I had a deep knowledge of only a “small fragment of the market”.

Working in fintech has opened my eyes to the vast array of opportunities in other countries, with their different payment methods and vastly different economies. For me, as a professional, it has made (and continues to make) me more complete! The speed, coupled with technological advances, makes fintech professionals more adaptable to market changes and even more curious and hungry for knowledge. It’s a unique, intense journey full of learning and dynamism.

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Tim Danton

Tim has worked in IT publishing since the days when all PCs were beige, and is editor-in-chief of the UK's PC Pro magazine. He has been writing about hardware for TechFinitive since 2023.


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