Verizon and Skylo launch direct-to-device messaging using satellites

Communications giant Verizon and satellite service provider Skylo have announced a joint venture to provide a first-of-its-kind direct-to-device messaging service for end users and enterprises.

This will allow customers to have a wireless connection regardless of their location – with a few caveats. 

Launching in the fall, consumers with supported phones can access emergency messaging services and location sharing even when traditional, terrestrial cellular networks aren’t available. After the trial, Verizon intends to upgrade the ability so that users can text anywhere using satellite connectivity.

This isn’t the first time Verizon has used satellite technology to allow consumers to communicate. The company relies on supplemental satellite connections to support its network and has been doing so for several years. In particular, it depends on satellite support for rapid cell tower deployments, temporary networking solutions and emergency response systems. 

“We are encouraged by the progress being made in satellite-to-device communications for consumers,” said Senior Vice President of Technology for Verizon, Srini Kalapala, “and are equally excited to be driving technical innovation trials in the space of satellite IoT solutions.”

Skylo’s satellite network services

Skylo is an innovator in the Non-Terrestrial Network space. Using satellites, it provides mobile connectivity to users and bypasses typical network interference from terrestrial signals. This is ideal for people in rural or remote areas who may not have access to traditional communication services. It can also provide connectivity to citizens of countries without a terrestrial infrastructure.

“Satellite access isn’t just about reaching out when you’re in trouble,” said Skylo CEO and Co-Founder Parthsarathi Trivedi, “it’s connectivity for staying in touch with your loved ones wherever they are. We are excited to partner with the carrier known globally for its powerful performance and reliable service as we bring a new level of connectivity from space.”

Satellite innovation for enterprise

Verizon has a long history of innovation in the IoT space, providing 4G bandwidth with Narrowband IoT and RedCap technologies. Teaming with Skylo, it showcased Verizon-enabled IoT devices’ abilities to roam onto satellite networks when they went out of range of terrestrial cellular networks.

In addition to providing services for geographically remote and economically challenged regions, Verizon and Skylo hope their joint offering will find use in applications for transportation, agriculture and maritime industries – to name but a few. One example would see the technology employed to track cattle movement and crop activity in areas where traditional networks aren’t available.

James Payne
James Payne

James Payne is a writer, editor and content strategist with more than 20 years of experience. In addition to writing about all things tech, in his free time James writes adult horror short stories and novels, as well as fantasy novels and fiction for young adults.